
1 Bitcoin to TRY

1 Bitcoin to TRY exchange rate calculation is based on the publication date of the article. 1 Bitcoin corresponds to ₺50,748.00. In addition, prices may vary in other exchanges.

If you want to convert your Bitcoins to Turkish lira, first of all you have to convert it to USD. (Ex: 5 BTC)

Your 5 BTC is equivalent to $ 43,145.05. (Calculated with the exchange rate valid at the date of publication.) Then, by converting $ 43,145.05 to TL, you will have your BTC changed . For more information, you can visit Cointral branches or browse the Cointral FAQ page.

What to Consider When Buying Bitcoin

1- Users who will enter into the cryptocurrency universe for the first time should not start their transactions at the highest level. They should conduct tests to measure the pulse of the market by stepping into the market with low numbers. Since prices change very quickly in the cryptocurrency world, you can get experienced about the crypto world by carrying out trading transactions with the amounts you will not worry about. After getting used to the system, you can start investing in crypto markets by increasing the amount.

2- Get help from applications that you can follow Bitcoin and altcoin exchanges safely and accurately. If you want to get information about altcoins, you can check the content called “What is Altcoin” on our blog.

When investing, be careful not to do it all at once. For strategic information, you can browse crypto money forums or consult expert opinions.

3- You should never panic. You should act calmly in the cryptocurrency industry, as in other industries. While the price is decreasing, you should not directly sell your digital asset.

How to Buy Bitcoin

You can buy any amount of Bitcoin with Cointral. Since there is no requirement to buy 1 Bitcoin as a minimum, you can even purchase 1 Satoshi worth of BTC. If you want to learn more about Satoshi, you can visit our blog or click the link. If you wish, you can buy Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple, Tether, Dogecoin, Litecoin, BNB Coins on Cointral online or at Cointral branches.

By transferring your digital assets to Cointral Exchange, you can easily make your investments on a platform with minimum commission fees and simple interface.

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