Bitcoin has gone again above $ 10,000!

Cointral Marketing Manager
Bitcoin has gone again above $ 10,000!

Bitcoin, which is at the top of the cryptocurrency, had recently crashed from $ 8,500 to $ 7,500. Last night, Bitcoin, which climbed to $ 8,500, experienced an increase of $ 1,000 in just minutes. That same night, Bitcoin climbed to $ 10,400, climbing to its highest level during the day.

Bitcoin, which achieved a 42 percent increase in cryptocurrency exchanges, was trading at 9,600 on the morning of October 26.

The Reason For Bitcoin’s Rise

World-renowned analyst Alex Krüger said the BTC had achieved a 42 per cent increase in just one day. Krüger underlined that the reason for this rise was related to Chinese President Xi Jinping, who made a definite statement yesterday. Although the President of China doesn’t praise Blockchain about Bitcoin, analysts commented that this would turn to Bitcoin.

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