Istanbul Update To Ethereum

Cointral Marketing Manager
Istanbul Update To Ethereum

Ethereum test network Ropsten created two separate chains in conjunction with the Istanbul update. As mining activity continued at both separate chains, Ethereum Foundation Community Manager Hudson Jameson made a statement about the issue by posting a tweet;

“That’s what testnets are for! Remember that Ropsten will be undecided until all of this is over.”

Istanbul, which was originally expected to be operational on October 2 at an altitude of 6,485,846 blocks, was launched two days earlier than planned. This was due to unusually fast Block verification times, according to Jameson. Normally, miners in a proof-of-work blockchain such as ethereum and test network Ropsten need to manually upgrade their software to ensure that a single chain continues smoothly.

According to Hudson, the majority of miners in the Ropsten Blockchain did not move on to the latest software, as hard fork time put many developers under protection. This caused the testing network to be split between mining in the upgraded chain and mining in the outdated chain.

Last October, a similar event occurred after the activation of the ethereum’s previous system-wide Constantinople, which led to a temporary chain division in the Ropsten network that lasted several hours.

The complex part of the business proof test network is to coordinate the miners, Jameson Said in a search Monday afternoon. “We are currently employing some miners to put Ropsten in the right Istanbul chain.”

Jameson added that problems with the Ropsten network so far appear to be the result of poor miner communications, not flaws in the Istanbul upgrade code.

Therefore, it remains unclear how this temporary chain division will ultimately affect Istanbul’s activation on the ethereum main network. Ethereum core developers will make a call on Friday (October 4th) to discuss Istanbul’s testnet event.

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