Bitcoin and Gold Rivalry

Cointral Marketing Manager
Bitcoin and Gold Rivalry

The cold war between Bitcoin, the most valuable crypto coin, and the timeless value of gold continues. In recent years, when Bitcoin has grown tremendously, many investors have argued that Bitcoin is a better investment than gold.

Some of the main reasons for these defenses are the decentralized structure of Bitcoin, the speed, transportation capabilities regardless of distance and the limited availability.

Due to such factors, Bitcoin and altcoins have attracted the attention of investors.

Unlike those who believe in cryptocurrency, those who pursue gold continue to oppose Bitcoin. Peter Schiff, one of Gold’s biggest supporters, thinks that cryptocurrencies and especially Bitcoin are not worth it.

Schiff has frequently stated in previous speeches that the sharp downturns of cryptocurrencies prove that they are unreliable.

Gold and Bitcoin

Bitcoin defender Roger Ver, opposing Peter Schiff, recently claimed in a video that the BTC will perform 100 times better than gold and silver.

Roger Ver does not hesitate to criticize people who see Bitcoin as a scam, balloon and bad idea. Ver says in his 2011 video that he wants to bet $10,000 for two years.

We do not know whether he made a bet with someone, as he claimed at that time. If there had been a bet though, Roger Ver’s theory would have come true. Bitcoin has gained a record value of 900% in two years. Gold decreased by 25%.

Both Gold and Bitcoin are Valuable

Rather than tossing aside the lasting value of gold, the technology of the future Blockchain and crypto coins should be considered. Because, with Cointral it is quite simple to buy gold with cryptocurrency.

With Cointral, you can buy not only cryptocurrencies but also gold and real estate. You can get Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Ripple, Dash, Tether, BNB Coin, Cardano, Monero and more than 1200 cryptocurrency quickly and safely. You can easily make your transactions with credit card at

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